Mapping Culture and Conservation (Fall 2020) Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University This course explores the interaction between biodiversity conservation and issues of human diversity and social justice. I designed and taught two modules of the course: Human-Wildlife Conflict and Tribal Conservation. Lying birds and dancing bees: how animals communicate (Spring 2019) First-Year Writing Seminar, Cornell University I designed and was the instructor of record for this course, which taught scientific writing to first-year undergraduate students through readings, class discussions, and writing assignments on animal communication.
Hormones and Behavior (Fall 2016, Fall 2018) Departments of Psychology and Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University Teaching assistant
Introduction to Animal Behavior (Fall 2014) Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University Teaching assistant
2021: Taught workshop on introductory data analysis in Microsoft Excel for Kenyan staff members of three Kenyan conservation organizations: Save The Elephants, Ewaso Lions, and Grevy's Zebra Trust.
2021: Taught virtual workshop on acoustic analysis in R for students doing research in bioacoustics at Northern Colorado University, a Hispanic-serving institution.
2021: Taught virtual workshop on acoustic analysis in R for members of the Colorado chapter of the The Wildlife Society.
2020: Mentor in EEB mentor match program, to help underrepresented minority and women students apply to graduate school in ecology and evolutionary biology
2019: Designed and taught mini course on animal communication to teach to 4th grade students through Cornell GRASSHOPR program
2018: Mist-netting demonstration and research presentation for UC Berkeley undergraduates from underprivileged backgrounds visiting Hastings Reserve
2018: Research presentation in Spanish to students and faculty at CES University, Medellín, Colombia (video at top of this page)
2017: Mist-netting demonstration and research presentation for high school students from underprivileged backgrounds through California Academy of Sciences
2017: Research presentation to undergraduate class from University of Chicago visiting Hastings Reserve
2016: Presentation about STEM career paths to high school students from underprivileged backgrounds through California Academy of Sciences
2015: Mist-netting demonstration and research presentation for high school students from underprivileged backgrounds through California Academy of Sciences
2015: Research presentation to undergraduate class from University of Chicago visiting Hastings Reserve 2014: Research presentation to local schoolchildren and national park staff in Udawalawa, Sri Lanka
2012-2019: Wrote blog posts about fieldwork with Asian elephants for the blog